Paper Fan in Cinema 4D – a quick easy setup for creating an easily customizable paper fan in Cinema 4D.
This was requested by Than Htun (one of our awesome Members) who needed a paper fan for a project he was working on.
While the fan isn’t perfectly phisically accurrate, it’s quick and easy to setup, renders fast and should get you by in a pinch.
NOTE: This post was originally a project file only but members voted for a tutorial.
Here’s how to set it up:
Project file is fully animated and includes models, textures, materials, lighting, and Redshift Renderer settings using an ACES workflow for better color. See our ACES guide here.
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Afraid so. We put loads of free stuff up on YouTube but most of the stuff here is for our members
Excellent tutorial full of tips and tricks!
Great to hear you found it useful Joanna!
Hey Dave. This tutorial shows some of your customized layouts. Is there a resource or tutorial somewhere that shows us how to create them so our setup matches yours?
Its super easy to customize your C4D interface, take a look at this video:
Happy to share my usual layout if you think it would be helpful.
Hey Dave.
It would be helpful for us to match your setup so we are not looking around for the parameter or setting if it’s in a different location. Plus the anal-retentive part of me was going crazy that my system was different to yours:) I did try to create my own custom setup but I ran into some issues when trying to activate the timeline below the viewport. which does lead to a question. In this course when you go to your customized UV Edit page you have the viewport displaying with the timeline showing below it. I’ve tried every possible way and I cannot replicate this setting to match yours. For me i’d be very interested in a tutorial from you on how you setup your custom pages and tools.
yes I remember the timeline bit was a pain, I think I just started with the Standard layout that has the timeline and just moved it from there, Im not sure there’s a way to bring it in otherwise. I’ll be adding a resources page soon with my layouts, C4D, AE and Resolve templates and some freelancing assets too.
Well that makes me feel a lot better as I was starting to think I couldn’t figure this out as I tried for hours to match yours and couldn’t get it to take. 🙂
I did exactly the same. Surely its in a menu somewhere but not in the obvious places.
Hey Dave,
How to you make RS view background color different from your viewport color?
Hey Glib, I just put a plane in the background with a white material on it – I had it on a hidden layer for the tutorial so as not to be distracting
I didn’t know you can hide layers like that, pretty cool!