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Learn Cinema 4D Forums Cinema 4D – Forum Animated necklace

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  • Dave

    August 4, 2024 at 9:13 pm

    Hi Alena, that sounds like an interesting one!

    You could potentially stick it to a spline or plane and make it dynamic with a bit of turbulence.

    Do you have a chain model I could use to set up an example for you?

    • alenabusss

      August 6, 2024 at 4:22 am

      Hey! Here is the file

      I’ve tried several options with animations, and nothing works well

      • Dave

        August 6, 2024 at 9:07 pm

        Thanks for that Alena.

        I’ve done a test scene that I’ll send over via email where I’ve made the Pearls Rigid Bodies and connected them (with dynamic connectors) to the String (which I’ve made Cloth Dynamic) which seems to work well.

        Having chains will add a layer of complexity though, you’ll need to make each chain link a dynamic body and make sure none of the geometry is intersecting – also a good idea to work at real-world scale (your necklace is 15m tall;)

        I think this one might make a good tutorial so I’ll add it to the list as well.

        • alenabusss

          August 7, 2024 at 3:19 am

          omg 15m hahaha
          Thank you Dave!
          Will try it out and will be waiting for your awesome tutorial!

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