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The Ultimate Octane Masterclass

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  1. Octane Materials Quick Start
  2. Materials

    Materials Overview
  3. Materials Settings
  4. Diffuse Material
  5. Glossy Material
  6. Specular Material
  7. Metallic Material
  8. Universal Material
  9. Toon Material
  10. Mix Material
  11. Blend or Composite Material
  12. Portal Material
  13. Live Database
  14. Texture Manager
  15. Octane 2019 Update
  16. Layered Materials
  17. Transmission – Thin Wall - Octane Materials
  18. 2022 UPDATE – Clipping Material
  19. 2022 UPDATE - GGX Energy Preserving
  20. Shader Nodes
    Introduction to Nodes
  21. Material: Octane Material
  22. Material: Mix Material
  23. Material: Blend Material - Composite Material
  24. Texture: Image Texture
  25. Texture: RGB Spectrum
  26. Texture: Gaussian Spectrum
  27. Texture: Float
  28. Texture: W Coordinate
  29. Texture: Baking Texture
  30. Texture: Image Tiles
  31. Texture: OSL Texture
  32. Projection
  33. Transform
  34. Generator: Checker
  35. Generator: Dirt
  36. Generator: Falloff
  37. Generator: Marble
  38. Generator: Noise
  39. Generator: Random Color
  40. Generator: Sine Wave
  41. Generator: Side Node
  42. Generator: Turbulence
  43. Generator: Instance Color
  44. Generator: Instance Range
  45. Generator: Ridged Fractal
  46. Toon Ramp
  47. Mapping: Clamp Texture
  48. Mapping: Color Correction
  49. Mapping: Cosine Mix
  50. Mapping: Gradient - Octane Shader Nodes
  51. Mapping: Invert
  52. Mapping: Mix
  53. Mapping: Multiply
  54. Mapping: Add
  55. Mapping: Subtract
  56. Mapping: Triplanar
  57. Mapping: UVW Transform
  58. Displacement
  59. 2019 UPDATE – Displacement
  60. 2019 UPDATE – Displacement Mixer
  61. Emission: Blackbody and Texture Emission - Octane Shader Nodes
  62. Medium: Absorption and Scattering Medium - Octane Shader Nodes
  63. 41B Random Walk
  64. C4D: Vertex Map - Octane Shader Nodes
  65. C4D: MG Color Shader - Octane Shader Nodes
  66. C4D: MG Multi Shader - Octane Shader Nodes
  67. C4D: Bitmap - Octane Shader Nodes
  68. C4D: Colorizer - Octane Shader Nodes
  69. C4D: Gradient - Octane Shader Nodes
  70. C4D: Noise - Octane Shader Nodes
  71. C4D: RefShader - Octane Shader Nodes
  72. C4D: Surfaces - Octane Shader Nodes
  73. Material Projects
    Jelly - Octane Material Projects
  74. Jade - Octane Material Projects
  75. Bubble - Octane Material Projects
  76. Diamond - Octane Material Projects
  77. Gold - Octane Material Projects
  78. Speckled (Terrazzo) - Octane Material Projects
  79. Ice - Octane Material Projects
  80. Stickers and Decals
  81. Skin
  82. Lights
    Lighting Overview
  83. 1 Lighting Overview
  84. Texture and HDRI Environment - Octane Lights
  85. Daylight - Octane Lights
  86. Area Light - Octane Lights
  87. Octane IES Lights - Octane Lights
  88. Octane Spot Light - Octane Lights
  89. Octane Toon Lights - Octane Lights
  90. Light Emitting Materials - Octane Lights
  91. Volumetric Lighting - Octane Lights
  92. Octane Planetary - Octane Lights
  93. Light Linking and Light Exclusion - Octane Lights
  94. Camera
    Introduction to the Camera - Octane Camera
  95. Thin Lens and Depth of Field (Bokeh) - Octane Camera
  96. Panoramic - Octane Camera
  97. 4 Baking
  98. Universal - Octane Camera
  99. Motion Blur - Octane Camera
  100. Camera Imager - Octane Camera
  101. Post Processing - Octane Camera
  102. Spectral AI Denoiser - Octane Camera
  103. AI Upsampler - Octane Camera
  104. Rendering
    Introduction to Rendering - Octane Rendering
  105. Direct Lighting Kernel - Octane Rendering
  106. Path Tracing - Octane Rendering
  107. 4 PMC Kernel
  108. Info Channels - Octane Rendering
  109. Advanced Settings - Octane Rendering
  110. Render Settings - Octane Rendering
  111. Rendering and Passes / Multipass - Octane Rendering
  112. 2022 UPDATE - Multipass Update
  113. Rendering With An Alpha Channel - Octane Rendering
  114. Removing Fireflies - Octane Rendering
  115. Render Faster - Octane Rendering
  116. Bake HDRI maps - Octane Rendering
  117. 13 Cryptomatte
  118. 2022 UPDATE - AOVs
  119. Octane ACES Workflow - 2022 UPDATE
  120. 2022 UPDATE - Light Mixer
  121. Lighting and Rendering Projects
    Infinite Floor
  122. Fog
Lesson 115 of 122
In Progress

Render Faster – Octane Rendering 23:41

Dave August 18, 2021


Courses are accessible only with Yearly or Lifetime Membership.


Choose the right Kernel
The Direct Lighting Kernel is the fastest kernel but it’s not as physically accurate as the Pathtracing or PMC method, use it if you can! The PMC method is the slowest to render – we never use it unless we are trying to create caustic effects – but it is always much slower.

Lower the Samples
Choose the minimum sample value that gives you an acceptable level of noise/ grain. If you use the AI Denoiser you can take it very low, even to 300 in some cases. Higher values will keep fine details but render more slowly.

GI Clamp
Too high a value will give you fireflies (which can need  A LOT of samples to clean up) – bring this value down to 1-10 and it should clean most of the fireflies up

Optimize your Geometry
The less geometry the faster the render! 3D scanned models are notoriously huge! Retopologize if you can.

Remove unnecessary objects and materials
If it’s not visible in the shot (or in reflections/refractions) get rid of it! Everything eats up VRam!

Limit the amount of lights in your scene to only what is necessary. Light materials (Blackbody and Texture Emission materials render even slower – try to limit these)

Slow Material Types
Specular Material Types are the slowest to render (Like Glass or Liquid) especially if you are using a Medium (subsurface scattering) if it’s not necessary – replace it with a more simple material like Diffuse or Glossy.

Octane handles Displacements very well but they can still slow your renders – especially large 32bit images – if you can get away with Normal or Bump maps instead, do it!

Texture Map Size
8bit images render faster than 32 bit images and use less VRam – if you can sacrifice detail use smaller images!

Bake those simulations! Otherwise those extra calculations will slow you down!

If you can replace your Area Lights with a HDRI map – do it! HDRI lighting renders MUCH faster!

AI Denoiser
You can use the denoiser to clean up that sample noise which will let you lower the sample count way down! Doing this will speed up your renders dramatically! Don’t over do it though, especially for animation – you can get flickering and loss of detail if the samples are too low!

Adaptive sampling
Can render the less detailed areas of a scene super quick by turning pixels off when they reach a defined  sample threshold. Don’t go too crazy with this or you’ll end up with noisy images.

If you have VRam to spare
Increase your Parallel Samples and Max Tile Samples



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