Forum Replies Created

  • Dave

    August 14, 2024 at 5:37 pm in reply to: Where can I download materials and lighting data?

    Actually if that’s the Octane Library you can grab it here under the MATERIALS tab:

    All the other project files are there as well

  • Dave

    August 14, 2024 at 5:35 pm in reply to: Where can I download materials and lighting data?

    Hi 瞬,

    You can grab it here:

  • Dave

    August 4, 2024 at 9:21 pm in reply to: Preview MOV videos on Windows

    If you install K-Lite you should be able to view MOV thumbnails (or just about any other media type too).

  • Dave

    August 4, 2024 at 9:13 pm in reply to: Animated necklace

    Hi Alena, that sounds like an interesting one!

    You could potentially stick it to a spline or plane and make it dynamic with a bit of turbulence.

    Do you have a chain model I could use to set up an example for you?

  • Dave

    July 20, 2024 at 11:03 pm in reply to: Push Cinema 4D clones appart with Dynamics

    Good question Dwayne, looks like this one was originally done in Houdini but I’m pretty sure you’d be able to use a Field Force or an attractor with negative influence to repel the clones, and potentially the follow position or mix animation settings to make them return to their original position.

    I think this one will make a cool tutorial so I’ll add it to requests page here and hopefully have a tutorial up for you in the next couple of weeks – if I find a quick solution I’ll email it over too.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  • Dave

    July 16, 2024 at 5:50 pm in reply to: Snap keys to frames after changing fps in C4D

    Hi Aishwarya,

    That’s a great question!

    All you need to do is select all your keyframes in the dope sheet, then from the timeline menu click KEY / QUANTIZE SELECTION and it should snap them all to full frames.

  • Dave

    July 15, 2024 at 1:49 am in reply to: Dynamic cable in C4D for a guitar

    Hi James, great to hear you’re digging the new look site!

    You should be able to attach a dynamic cable pretty easy with the new cloth dynamics tools (I usually avoid the rope tag because it can be a pain to stop it twisty weirdly).

    If you make your cable a CYLINDER and wrap it along a spline with a SPLINE WRAP, you can use a cloth tag with SOFT BODY enabled so it keeps its shape (you might need to lower the bending too).

    Then because the cable has a CLOTH TAG you can use a dynamic CONNECTOR to connect it to your guitar – the guitar will need a cloth tag too so they can connect – if you don’t want the guitar to deform like cloth set the MIX ANIMATION to 100% so it keeps its shape.

    That’s the basics anyway, I think this one will make a good tutorial so I’ll try and put up a video soon.

    If you need a hand going through these steps just reply here or hit me up on the live chat.

  • Dave

    July 8, 2024 at 8:19 pm in reply to: Animated Zipper in Cinema 4D

    Hey Anita, here’s the project file

    Hit me up on live chat or email if you’d like me to run you through it.

    Good luck with your project!!

  • Dave

    July 3, 2024 at 8:13 pm in reply to: Animated Zipper in Cinema 4D

    Hi Anita, I think the key to this one will be to use a vertex map to drive the Mix Animation setting of the cloth, so as the zipper slides down the vertex map releases the locked points (stuck in place by high value Mix Animation) so the cloth would fall away.

    There’s actually a good tutorial on YouTube showing a technique you can use here:

    I’ve had a play around and I’ve come up with a slightly different setup, so I’ll also put a project file up on the site that you might find helpful.

  • Dave

    August 6, 2024 at 9:07 pm in reply to: Animated necklace

    Thanks for that Alena.

    I’ve done a test scene that I’ll send over via email where I’ve made the Pearls Rigid Bodies and connected them (with dynamic connectors) to the String (which I’ve made Cloth Dynamic) which seems to work well.

    Having chains will add a layer of complexity though, you’ll need to make each chain link a dynamic body and make sure none of the geometry is intersecting – also a good idea to work at real-world scale (your necklace is 15m tall;)

    I think this one might make a good tutorial so I’ll add it to the list as well.